Diagnose Your Relationship: Does She Love Me Quiz

Categories : It Solutions

By Robbie T. James

Does she love me? Sadly, for many boyfriends and husbands everywhere, this is a question that comes to mind again and again. Even in the case of relationships that seem to be going fairly well, this nagging question can arise. If your girlfriend or wife seems to be showing less affection than she used to show – or if she seems to be giving attention to other men – it could be a sign that she is falling out of love. Of course, the changes in her behavior could be reasonably explainable by other possible causes, such as boredom, depression, or a general dissatisfaction with her life.

While there is no definitive way to know for sure whether she truly loves you, there are ways to be more certain. Here is a short Does She Love Me quiz that you can use to determine whether she still loves you. Once you know, you can determine your best course of action:

1. Does she share with you her inner feelings and thoughts?

Does your special lady often open up to you about what is going on in her mind and heart? Good communication is a cornerstone of a happy life together. If she does not love you enough, you will notice an absence of her sharing her thoughts and feelings with you. There will be no quiet talks about the future, no sharing her dreams, no relating about her desires. Women love to communicate their deepest thoughts about life to one they really care about. If yours is not doing so on a fairly regular basis, it could a sign of trouble.


2. Does she often make compromises in order to keep you feeling happy?

Does your girlfriend or wife often make little sacrifices for you so that you can be happy, even if it means giving up something that is very important to her? Women like to show affection and love when they are feeling it by giving up a bit of their own pleasure in order to show love for their man; doing so makes them feel close to those whom they love. If you notice that your lady is not doing these types of things for you on a regular basis, she may be straying, or her love may not be as deep as you thought.

3. Has she bought you a gift or done something nice for you in the past month or two?

Women like to do nice things for those they love, often by the giving of gifts or doing nice things like making dinner or baking cookies. Stop for a moment and think: has she bought or done something nice for you lately?

4. Does she tell you she loves or needs you?

A woman who is harbors strong feelings of love for her husband or boyfriend loves to talk about it. She wants to express her love in any way she can so, including verbally. The truth is: if your lady really loves you and has told you so at least once before, she will tell you frequently. Doing so reaffirms your mutual bonds of affection and helps cement your relationship. If she doesn’t, there could be problems.

5. Does she wait for you to initiate the physical affection?

In the case of many couples, the man likes to initiate the kissing or lovemaking. Do you find your girlfriend or wife initiating the physical affection from time-to-time, or is it the case that you are the only one ever doing so? Even if she is open to being affectionate with you, it is always a good sign when she initiates the affection herself – at least once in a while!

Okay, time to tally up your answers! If you answered “no” to more than 2 of these questions, it is likely that your lady does not love you as much as you would like. If that applies to you, your next steps is to take the appropriate measures at once to rekindle her love for you.

About the Author: Want to learn the best-kept secrets about how to recapture her heart? Learn sound advice from the same love guru who saved my relationship at:




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